

"Echoes in the Crowd"
In a sea of faces, lost and vast,
I stand alone, an echo cast.
Crowded room, yet solitude I find,
A silent dance of hearts, entwined.

Amidst the chatter, a silent scream,
Alone, yet wrapped in a crowded dream.
Echoes of laughter, distant and near,
I'm the only audience, the only seer.

Whispers in the chaos, a lone refrain,
A solitaire melody in a bustling domain.
Eyes that meet but never truly see,
In the crowd's embrace, I'm truly free.

A symphony of voices, a mosaic of faces,
Yet, in my world, empty spaces.
Isolation blooms in the midst of cheer,
A solitary voyage in the crowd's frontier.

So, I stand resilient, amid the throng,
Writing verses to the silence, a quiet song.
Alone, yet not lonely, in this crowded place,
A lone poet weaving solitude with grace.

© light yagmi