

Thoughts come and go
Sometimes I don't believe my thoughts are my own.
They will scream and whisper words of hypocrisy, wrath and cruelty.
They wake me out my bed at nights in cold sweats.
They have cost me relationships and friendships.
They test my limits whether I should do that thing, hit her with the shovel or leave the shovel where it is.
My thoughts run free to make a mess in my head.
And one day I don't fight,
one day I let them be.
I stopped the cursing
I stopped saying no
I let them go
I watched them go
I saw them running as fast as lightning bolt to my conscious mind
I saw them for what they were,
thoughts: sometimes familiar, sometimes peculiar, sometimes wrong, sometimes right but thoughts that aren't meant to be taken personally.
they are thoughts. not a good description of who I am. it had nothing to do with me after all. they are just thoughts.
watch them.
leave them to play
they will cease to exist when we stop trying to control and let it go.
let them scream
let them curse
let them cry for attention
but don't you dare give them the time of day.
remember: you're the observer and they are not great depictions of reality.
© candiplus1