

Our Political Jingoists
In the realm of politics, where power resides, There exists a breed of individuals,full of pride. They are the jingoists,withtheir fiery zeal, Fueling the flames of division,making wounds that won't heal. With rhetoric and slogans,they sway the masses, Playing on fears and biases, like cunning chess passes.They paint a picture of us versus them,Creating an illusion, a dangerous mayhem. They claim to fight for the common good, But their actions speak louder,
misunderstood. Their words are hollow,
their promises empty,Leaving behind a trail of broken hearts aplenty. They thrive on the chaos,the chaos they create,Stirring up anger, spreading a toxic hate. They pit brother against brother, sister against sister, Forgetting the values that once made us twister. They manipulate the truth,twist it to their gain, Leaving the truth seekers in a state of disdain. They prey on the vulnerable,the ones in need, Exploiting their pain, planting a poisonous seed. But amidst the chaos, there is still hope, For the voices of reason,who refuse to mope. They rise above the noise, with compassion and grace, Seeking unity and justice, in this tumultuous space. They strive for understanding, for common ground, Building bridges, not walls,with love profound. They reject the jingoists, their divisive ways, Embracing diversity, in these challenging days.
So let us stand together, against the political jingoists, With open hearts and minds, let's resist. For it is unity and empathy that will prevail, And in the face of adversity, we shall not fail.
© thekennyadetule