

The sun is just above the horizon
On the terrace beside mine, the children are playing with fun
The wind is pure and cool
Indicating the night to come, on the sky is the moon
Far away the outline of the mountains is touching the sky
The free chirping of the birds makes me want to fly
There is a strange peace here
Among all the precautions and care
Relax, friends! I am not in some sightseeing town
For we all know, we are in lockdown
But surely there are things to enjoy
For nature is everywhere, my boy!
Even on the terrace where I am standing
Amidst the boundaries which are binding
This lockdown is a gift to nature
For there is no pollution to destroy its curvature
The clean air helps the heart to heal
So on my knees, I today kneel
To thank the beauty around me
For curbing my boredom and making me free…….
© Sanika