

I wished for this to not end!
I wish for a rewind,
To relive the moment left behind.

I still remember the date,
Night that bring us together was our fate.

I wish I could tell you all these things again,
This time I will given everything to bargain.

The never ending conversation,
That made my mates hate me.
I wish I could make them jealous again.

I wish to tease you with that song you hated the most.
I know you loved the roast.

I wish to see that train again from that hill,
I wish you to stay even against my will.

There's lot to write about you,
Your pictures and my whole paragraph reply on them, with a flower.
I wish to click those flowers' picture again.

I wish to sleep on your shoulder again,
I know that's tiny but I'll manage.

The story is too long,
I wish to make it endless,
I wish to start it again.
~It's her birthday tomorrow~
And yeah I've moved on, she too, but still we all wish for some good part in life. She isn't gonna read this.
this is just me talking to myself, love story never ends, it just take a pause and start again, for some it's a fairytale, for some it's a raaz the mystery continues,
there were lots of moment I can't forget in my life unless a very dangerous bimari hits me something like
Alzheimer's, I'm writing this note to just to tell you all, cherish the moments and the life you've, nothing is permanent, yeah I know this has become preachy, I will take your live now, and thank you for reading this.
© banrakas poetry