

The finished footage of Christ to follow.
Here's a poem:

"The Finished Footsteps of Christ to Follow"

On holy ground, His footprints shine
A path unwinding, divine design
The finished footsteps of Christ our guide
Inviting us, to step inside

_I. The Journey Begins_

From Bethlehem's manger to Calvary's hill
His footsteps marked, a love that's real
Through desert sands, to Jordan's stream
He walked the path, of our greatest dream

_II. Footprints of Love_

With every step, a story's told
Of compassion, mercy, young and old
Healing the blind, and lifting the fallen
His footsteps echoed, with love unspoken

_III. The Cross and Beyond_

On Golgotha's hill, His final stand
Footprints of sacrifice, for our hand
The empty tomb, His victory cry
He rose again, and our hope did fly

_IV. Footsteps to Follow_

Now we walk, in His finished footsteps bright
A path illuminated, through darkest night
With every step, our faith takes hold
In Christ's footsteps, our hearts made bold

_V. Eternal Legacy_

His footsteps remain, forevermore
A legacy of love, we adore
As we follow, His finished way
We'll find our path, to eternal day

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