

Happy Hindu Rashtra
In ancient lands where rivers flow,
Where mountains touch the sky,
A tapestry of faiths did grow,
Beneath the stars so high.

In temples old, the bells do ring,
The Ganges whispers tales,
Of sages wise and warriors brave,
Through time, their spirit sails.

A land of peace, of Dharma's grace,
Where truth and love do reign,
In every heart, a sacred space,
To ease the world’s great pain.

Yet, in our quest for unity,
Let not our vision blur,
For every soul must find its place,
In this vast universe.

A Hindu Rashtra, pure and free,
Must hold the world in light,
Where every creed and color be,
Embraced with all its might.

For India’s strength lies in her thread,
Of diverse thoughts and ways,
Let’s weave a future bright ahead,
Where every being stays.

So let our prayers rise to skies,
For peace and harmony,
In Bharat’s heart, where love abides,
In every breath, we see.