

Soul cry
I take my soul off my body like it’s a coat
Ring it out,
Watching the blood,
And tears make puddles on the ground
Splashing around,
I can feel it burning through my skin
Like I’m shaking hands with a knife because I didn’t think or blink twice before I put my heart on my sleeve
Killing myself,
Running myself into the ground just so others can be happy
Then leave,
Retreat when I stopped giving them what they wanted
Now they’ve aborted me like a motherless child
Murderous mile down into hell as the abyss eats at me but why be mad at them because if I were as naive as I am,
I’d take advantage of me too
I’d leave too
I’d let them take me to the doctor and pull me from their vagina because they didn’t love me enough to want or to watch me grow
Maybe because they believed I would get in their way of succeeding
Maybe they were too scared and thought they weren’t good enough to love me the way I loved them
Am I an abortion to them?
You teach them to be safe and to set boundaries but they don’t listen and when the unexpected happens,
They cowardly walk away and pretend that nothing happened
Not once pretended to be saddened
Depressed but smile like everything’s ok
Like I’ll be ok
Like I don’t have the first bit of feelings and I’m a robot ahead of its time,
On a mission
But yet I sit back and do some thinking,
Upon a star before the dark takes over and drifts me away to be with the other bastards who finally cracked under pressure from not being loved enough
But here I am sitting here in silence letting my soul cry because I’m too naive to die

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