

my grave
oh no child,
what are you saying?
they care for you and your grades and
of course your future.
oh really,do they care about me?
they are no relative to me.
and doing everything for me caused they charged for it.
they rule over me ,my identity.
they want me to do what they want.
do they ever understand me?
all those sweet words,
but does that matter
because those are more stronger than handcuffs to imprison me.
they never let me fly
always put a weight on my wings to drag me down.
it's not some free care and unconditional thought about my life.
it's their business.
it's "School" .
Earlier,school has a pure meaning.
but now it's demeaning.
taking just a parameter,to measure everyone,
not listening to anyone,
cause that's the business they run.
forcing into every activities to do,
if not done,they make her the worst.
Do they even thought about it,
how harmful was it for me, mentally?
Just imposing your will on everybody, doesn't make you great.
They say that you will miss this place,once you leave it.
but let me tell ,no one in the mankind's
history wanted to uncover it own deep tearing pain.
If you were only so good
why did I ended up crying everytime I was about to go ?
no ,i am not a kid ,who cries over not going to school.
i am a whole grown up, who got her senses,
and could feel the prison
cry out loud
do anybody understand me?
I don't like your whole vibe there.
i always wanted to do something great,
thought you would be great help ,
My school
never knew ,i could be so wrong .
Did you ever tried to understand the pain of student
who almost ended up to a thought of suicide,
how hard is it for her?
still do you think you are good?
a place which i thought I would treasure,
but it ended up being a grave for me.
it burned me totally
broke me totally
whom to say.
parents always know just one way.
why can't they feel the pain which is unimaginabley painful
feeling the leaking of lava inside me
drop by drop
tearing me from all side
still you think I am
fit and fine.
© @Å_12