


Finally, the tunnel funnels a lightening bays,
Upon the lost cheers that'as lost for days;
Without smiles from the beautiful hearts that linger,
Nor comfort showered, but bush burning higher;
We were lost but found by the stars that owns the night,
O, much appreciation to you stellar star,
thou sight;
And never allow the cloud to swallow the infant lovers;
But in thy shadow, our dead love resuscitated and stand still like the unclothed mountains;

Today, I shall sleep and leep over my worries,
I shall tear the rags that hung over my lorries,
And zoom on the roads that doom off roughs;
Because my love is growing out of toughs,
O, much appreciation to you stellar star,
Thou sight and never allow the cloud hover
Its ocean into our nursing hearts;

No more tears flowing like river into oceans,
No more break but love that shakes every wrecks,
O, much thanks to you stellar star,
Mender of darkness that claims the nights;

© Enyis Shakes