

Mine Reaper
I'm the wolf to your sheep.
I'm the right to your wrong.
I feast til nothings left when i bite,
you're the left to my right.

You write to your songs in graphite.
To rewrite what you dont want.
cant make up your mind
or even decide your own font.
You're fake, full of lies.
Saying whatever, never taking the time
cause' your scared those grown fond
might see the coward is breaking behind.
Stakes are too high,
can't take a loan for the cost this time.
The hour glass is shaking.
The reaper is waiting theres no redo
Guilt is something you can't dispose of.
It's in a shallow torn bag and see through.
Heavier and messier sure, try to cover it up.
The harder you try the more you devalue pride.
The night's where you hide,
til' the shadows swallow any light you might find.
Not even God wants you because you wasted his time.
Just the reaper to greet you.
Faced with a smile. "I got just the place for such a disgraced juvenile."
A space where you're erased without a trace.
Where there's no such thing as a saving grace. Any would be data base Never existed in the first place.

I'm the wolf to your sheep.
I'm the right to your wrong.
I feast til nothings left when i bite,
you're the left to my right.

Your the absent to my light.
no place you'll ever be safe in.
You will hear my sounds but I will never be found.
An evanescence to your transcendence.
Under this pressure you'll drown.

You underestimate me mate, for i cannot diminish. Its fictitious. I wonder how I am to suffocate to an image? A blemish. a fetish. you act out cause your restless. Lets end this. Head my message as prophetic. This tension you pretend to leverage is pathetic.
Just let it die. Forget it. Maybe Gods wasting my time? I don't engage with lies My word is truth. I dont need to defend it. I already got the prize. If I am to die for you to get it. Than everything you say is a lie. From letter to word to sentence to the linguistics you sadistically twist to misfit your sinister engines. Honesty is all I have spoken. When you close your eyes my eyes open and I am awoken. Your dont control my destiny but heres hoping! Cross your heart and hope to die. Cross your fingers. hold the cross up to heaven, call for jesus. Cause' my crosshairs aim true and its not to the sky or distant seasons or without reason. its not outward on any materialism or dreams within. Its not something real or unreal its not malleable not something to steal like something valuable. its much deeper.
Its you... Mine Reaper.

© XlchthoNyx