

Writer's block
The pen is calling my name, but I can't imagine the words,
Maybe the release isn't for me,
For the words aren't coming to me,
Do you need some inspiration? Is it you?
I assure it's not me.

Are you having writer's block too?
Am I assigned to you?
Frustrated with what to say?
Do you need me to clear the way?
Are thoughts burdening you?

It's better to sit before an empty canvas,
Let your emotions spill uncontrolled.
You'll clean the spillage as you go,
Editing, and letting things go.
Wrong thoughts come to swipe the message,
Silence them. They'll do what they're told.

Stay focused and hone in,
On your feelings, really zone in.
Remember this is bigger than you,
People from near and far look up to you.

So stand firm messenger,
Don't disappoint.
Though thoughts are disjointed,
You have been appointed.
Your audience awaits, they're standing at the gate.

© artisticdreamsss