

A Letter From Luka To Marinette
From your smile to your blue eyes.

From your cute pretty face to your funny clumsiness.

From your laugh to your creativity.

From your resourcefulness to our every day ladybug.

Marinette I love you...

I was always there when Adrien wasn't.

I understood you when Adrien was to blind to understand.

I was there to pick you up when Adrien wasn't...yet you still loved him...but kept crushing on me.

Ever since we started dating.

When I needed you most you weren't there...

When I wanted to give you my best you disappeared...

When I needed your support you were always busy...

Some times it felt like you deliberately didn't want to spend time with me...

All I wanted to know was the truth...yet you lied to me...

I felt you didn't trust me...you left me so hurt and heart broken 💔.

We were the cutest couple anyone had ever seen...

I shared my secrets with you...but you trust me enough to do the same...

You expected me to understand as usual but this time it was different...the fact that you didn't trust... broke my heart into several pieces...

But most heart breaking of all...

I got akumatised...to have revenge on you and in the process...I found out...

You weren't the only person I love that had ever lied to me ...

I found out who my real father was...

But to cut the long story short...

Ladybug de-akumatised me...

And I'm back to being the cute,kind, musical,caring and supportive Luka you know...

But unfortunately I'm also the heart broken Luka... cause we can't be together...if we...I mean you don't even trust me...

But in the meantime I've been perfecting the song I wrote about you ... still not ready yet ... something still missing.

I'll let you know once it's ready.

And it's ok... I'm not mad at you for not telling me the truth...

Neither am I mad you kept running off...

I just want you to be happy...

And seeing you happy makes me happy ...

And if Adrien makes you happy...then I say go ahead and don't stop trying...

He'll sooner or later realize that you're the love of his life...

And I want you to know... I'm always here for you ...

When ever your ready ... I'll always be available...

Love Luka 💙♥️💙
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