

Faith in times of Corona Virus

Today, the world is in horrible misery,
Some people lacks of love and good energy,
I have been thinking about emptiness,
As if this pandemic is endless.

Many lives are taken away everyday,
Numbers of cases are increasing day by day,
Not being able to see friends and family,
Corona Virus, can you go away quickly?

We only see each other across buildings,
Because we know the essence of social distancing,
Frontliners are risking their lives daily,
They are fighting the virus for us bravely.

Even the world is in the middle of wide chaos,
There is always a room for hope amidst this virus,
Make sure to have strong faith to our Almighty God,
Because He is the only one who can save us.

Together we pray and kneel down,
Ask for forgiveness and safety for everyone,
For He is the Way, the Truth and the Life,
Confess and believe that the Lord is our everyday guide.

(thank you for reading and be safe 😊😊🙏🙏)