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Life is sweet
Until I witness what life is

While making a research
Passing by a maternity
Hearing people screaming
Decide to make a check

What's happening

As I enter
I saw a lot of patients
Suffering from different series of diesea
I approach them to
Ask a question

Isn't life sweet ?
Replied yes, life is sweet
I can't see any sweetness in you
Your state am witnessing is very horrible

You are right

We are living in despairs
we are not able to keep the principles of life
That's why we are a victim

I asked once again what are the principles
One of them replied me
His principles is not too hard
But we forgot whenever
we set our lips on it

One of them replied me again
Here are the principles

The more you absorb the sweet of life
The more grief you suffer
Absorb less

Sour is the end of every sweetness
Freedom is the end of every pain
Victory is ahead of all obstacles
Achievement is beneath every aim
Fight till the end

The more you absorb the more you suffer
The more you share your burden
The less pain you suffer

Live your world

Life is sweet for the wise man
Life is adorable for the cheerful man
Life is indebted only to the loyal man

Change your habit and
Leave a legacy