

You do have a voice
You're not mute,
Nor it is that you don't know how to speak,
You just don't know how to ask for help,
You just don't know what help you need.

You're drowning yourself,
Because you think it is easier to escape the ocean that way than to strive, to survive,
Being coward isn't your trait,
You don't know what to fight for and afraid if you do, what it'll take.
You have made yourself part of a suffocating world that you don't belong to,
You've been there for too long,
You've forgot how to breathe.

Come back,
To this world,
It's Real
And the paths are pretty clear here,
Your home is hear,
The people who'll always stretch out their hands for you are hear,
The people who had what ifs same as you winning in life are here,
The people who were drowning too but they strived and survived are here.
You've asked yourself way too many questions,
You tried finding answers yourself but each time ended up questioning your strength and ended up with more questions
So use your real voice in this world.
You'll be answered when you ask, all the answers are here.

© Shaili