

Being brought to your arms my love, I feel happy.
I always thank God for when I met you, I was blessed and lucky.
I never felt heaven when you were not yet with me.
But with you, I am happy. Can't you see?

Although we may have some fights
but damn, you are always right.
You're positivity shines so bright
that I too, would see and feel the beam of light.

I feel a glimpse of hope when you chat
Before you came, I never felt that.
I love you very much, no matter what.
You deserve all the love in the world, please don't forget that!

Please don't you dare leave me,
Don't you set me free
Always keep on reminding me
of how we used to be.
So if one day, I may lose my memory,
which I hope would never happen to me,
Please tell me that we are happily married,
That we have three lovely kids
and we lived a life of love, hope, positivity, and beauty.

Oh, hail my love for you.
Hail the love of my life, I lift up to you
The love amidst all negativity
The hope amidst all fears and theories.
I love you very much my wifey...
Do know, you'll always be loved and you'll always complete me,
and with you, I feel the most, Happy!
© adelrey