

Had I been..
Had I been a wallflower
in your sweet abode
you could have spared me
a glance once in a while
enough for me to go on
with my vacant little life..

had I been a windowsill
in your den of despair
i could see you waiting by me
every dawn and evening
in hopes of arrival
hopefully of me...

Had I been the pearly moon
in your nights of loneliness
i could watch over you
till red sky engulfs me
slowly yet tragically with
the night sky I adorn.

Had I been the withered rose
in the cold vase near you
i could hope for your glance
to give me life..
aah that life given by you

i could stay withered and blown away
with the autumn wind
in hopes of a glance
if that is what it takes
to be with you.

© ∆ish