

The two months I've spent with THEM...
Tangled in the Chaos she was
Now flourishing with them;
Had fallen for her Solitude
Now intriguing again;
Captivated in her thoughts
Afraid to be condemned;
Concealing the problems faced
Unaware of the trouble, being stemmed;

I wish I wish, she knew they could save her
Drowning deep in the sea of sufferance;
But their love she knew
Would make her soul Recuperate,
She just had to speak once
Out of her Blue;

She did She did, obtaining absolution and Solace from them;
And so she works hard
Wanting to compensate all of 'em;

We know We know, paying back to Family,
Is when Hell freezes over;
Tangled in the Chaos two months ago
Now, they are closer than ever.

© kh.sh