

Undesirable memories broke
Suddenly free in my mind,
Seeming to sweep me back into the past
I saw her now in my mind's eye
as she took her last breath
tightening her grip on my hand.
The first person I had ever loved
she groomed me to a gentleman
showing me what it meant to be the last born
she had even starved herself to get me filled
But there she was waving her last bye
and I stood there doing nothing
can't even wave back
Not Again, history can't repeat itself
You're my second love
you can't just leave like that
this time I tightened my grip and screamed
My exclamation startled her
she parted her lips for a weary smile
and in a weak but assuring voice, she said
Be still Hakim, I just need to rest
Relieved, I felt.

© Hakim Fuhad Mansaray