

Saying goodbye just seems so final; I'd rather say we'll talk soon or I'll see you in a while...

I'm going to write this to bid you farewell. Where my life is taking me I really can't tell. Before I go there's a few things I need you to know. I will always hold a special place in my heart for you, that will never go away. I'm blessed in the fact that I had the chance to tell you everything I wanted to say. You may not believe me, maybe you do, either way I know in my heart what I said and felt was true. I still believe this happened for a reason, maybe we'll meet again in another season. I will always be here, that I can promise; one day when you're ready and not wanting to fight, throw punches, or get back at me out of spite; you know how to find me it's really not hard. Just listen to the sound of your beating heart. If instead you move on, I hope you find true happiness, you really deserve nothing less.

© Malissa Nau