

The Awakening of Hope: A Call to Unity

Shadows we dwell, awaiting a voice, a beacon to rise,
A voice that proclaims, "We are fine," yet conceals the pain inside.

Yearning for a generation to hold the torch of a new morn's light,
To step forward, to declare, "It's time for our collective flight."

Seeking a leader, steadfast as the towering peak of a mountain high,
A leader who echoes, "Rise, my kin, to touch the boundless sky."

That leader resides within us, in the hearts of this generation and the next,
Together, let's break the ancestral curse, unveil what's truly next.

Granting voices to the voiceless, illuminating the path of hope so bright,
laying down our weapons, guiding our kin toward the healing light.

Together, we rise, forging a new world, a sanctuary to call our own,
In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr., his dream in our hearts is sown.

Brothers and sisters, rise we must, to change the world's course,
To craft a haven for our loved ones, where hope finds its force.

Extend your hand, join this grand ascent, together, we shall cope,
let's give the world a voice, a hand to hold, a place of boundless hope.

© Plasmagrapes