

Letter To My Best Friend
I took a step forward
A step forward to the outside world
Outside my personal cage
But it was the biggest mistake ever
I shouldn't have stepped out
I should have just stayed put where I couldn't be hurt
Because it hurts so fucking much
Only if I had been warned
I wanted to be like others
I wanted to have my own friend
But I wish I had just remained friendless
I loved you with all I have
Even He above can testify
I would have given everything I had for your comfortabilty
I wouldn't even withhold my life if it would make you smile
All those times you collected from me when I knew you had more
All those times you made me feel small
All those times you called me a thief
All those times you called me a pirate because I had only one pair of uniform
All those times you made jest of me right in my face
All those times you said you were better than me
I still loved you
I still couldn't see you in pain
People called me names because I was always around you
But I couldn't care less because being with you made me happy
You broke my self love but I still kept loving you
When I discovered you weren't good for my mental state
I still couldn't leave you that easily
My mental health was deteriorating
Demons were torturing me
Even my inner self was fighting with my mind
Everyone called me a fool
I cried myself to sleep every night because I wanted to see you
It pained me to leave you
But I had to do so for me to uphold my mental state
So if I hurt you I'm sorry
But I doubt you even noticed I am not by your side anymore
Pardon my mistakes I got too emotional but I want to ask a question Was it wrong of me to have loved her so much?
Please I need your replies