

Secret Bird
You sit on my shoulder
Always by my side
As the days get colder
I bring the warmest smile
My little birdhouse
On a hill
I’ll keep you hidden
I don't want you to be killed
Birdwatchers are silent
Watching us behind the trees
Then they come to question me

My mother questions me
Seeing a bird feather in my hair
She told me to be careful
Bird hunter is here
I don't dear to say a word
All I can't think about is my secret bird

I heard him tapping on the window
I don't want them to know your here
The rain begins to fall
I can't no longer
I open the window as you spead your wings
My ears ring as the Hunter loads the gun again
I beg him not to
He ignored my please
The bird he cared for me
He still did care, whatever he says goes
Head hunter of the house
My mother lost her words
As he found my secret bird

Disappointment he wears it like a mask
But I see through his disguise
He said he wants to protect me
He knew this day was coming
I wanted to protect my bird
He puts down the gun
I take my bird and run
Back to our hiding place
In the birdhouse
On a hill
Your no longer hidden
I don't want you to to be kill
Am I forgiven?
We both sit sill.........

© Vivid e_blue