

Into the gray
Twas down the way
One fateful morn
Towards dreary lands rode I
When out of mist and darkest shroud brothers I knew strode by
No lies did come no hateful thrums
Did sound their dread tattoo
But in their wake wisdom I would take
From those dreary and few

Right proudly high our hopes did rise
Though the dark waged its war
Twas better to stride side by side
Then fall alone on forgotten shores

And from the plaines of forgotten woes
Strong men would come and go
And while we'd run the dark would come
And chill us right down to our bones

Twas hatred bayed our bonds did break
That living wrong were I
When the good had gone and we had sung our song
We turned our backs and our luck had died

Oh had I tried and did what was right
Or lay myself down bare
Their names I shall keep where my demons sleep
Neath the shroud and burried with care

The bravest fell and for my soul to sell
Id give all to bring them back
They bore the fight and they lost to the night
And so the odds did stack

Yet still I gazed with deep amaze
At how I still had not fell
When the storm had come and it all seemed lost
Yea I looked up from hell

And back to the lands I rode again
My heart with grief was sore
For I parted then with valiant men
Whom I will never see no more
No matter where I go and no matter how dark or low
I would kneel and pray for you
For memories fled and words mournfully said
From those dreary and few.
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