


The 10th floor made my heart race,
I was following my fate.
My fate which was to be neglected, me - a mistress' son.
The 30th floor skipped my beats,
I finally want to do it.
The moment you think of dying, you're already dead.
Going I am from the world,
Which gave me less and demanded more.
When I'm gone tonight, hypocritically they'll say
"O poor mistress's son! He received no love,
He couldn't master the vowels of his father's name,
He wanted to live so much! "
People say the opposite of love is hate,
I dare to say it is neglect.
They said there's nothing like fate or destiny,
Really? why do we have names for them then?
The top of the building seemed concrete than the stairs,
Ah! Halleluyah! I'm falling, falling.
© omega*3