

Half A Moon
I see half a moon
in a blurry night sky.
She looks beautiful tonight,
shrouded in soft clouds
that embrace her silhouette
and her scars,
like silk that lies loose
upon a lady's curves.
And now I know.
I know why the sun and the stars
fall in love with her every single night.
She calls out to me,
my heart and my soul,
she lures me to feel things
I've never felt before.
And she tells me it's okay,
she tells me I'm loved,
she tells me I'm needed,
she tells me to wake up to a sunrise
and walk the earth
with zest and with passion.
I am calm,
and I seek rest now
in her soft reassurance,
for I know
tomorrow I will not be alone.

© Tejaswinee Roychowdhury