

masked out
Face masked by face mask,
Mask so deceptive gradually turned into hands,
Covering my nose and mouth,
I shouted I can't breathe!
My mouth's sealed,
Is this what the world has turned into now?
I'm forced to choke on my words since I can't talk out loud,
And every night my eyes cry,
It has witnessed such grievous crimes,
I don't know which is worse, make your choice,
Is it the virus or the governmental scams,
Is it our skin colour or just our mind,
Is it police or is it just a way of life,
Is it the masses or the values which has been imbibed,
Is it the angry son or the father who beats his wife,
Is it the single mother or the daughter who is raped every night,
But how can we say which worse when there's a tape on our mouths in disguise as a mask.

© Deryl