

future stretched before me
options endless and abundant
a whole world to explore
enticing and beckoning
mountains to be climbed
corners to be looked around
everywhere something new and bright
eagerly snatching up experiences
lapping up memories
and stashing away secrets
setting sight on one new summit after the next

until the next corner turned
yields a doorway
closed off, but a glow streams from the crack
cast iron knob turns smoothly
light flooding in from beyond
a world of illusions and magic

the door slams behind me
sealed tightly, separating me from the path before
air turns stale quickly
and the illusions show their false smiles
I quickly realize this is not where I hope to be
putrid and rancid the oxygen turned to ash
floor boards drop beneath me
I crash through to the level below

slumping over my own bones
I yearn for the path I knew before
longing for brightness
I struggle through the rubble
broken window glass
rotting door frames
bricks strewn about
darkness swallows my tearful pleas
but nothing echoes back
this is the path for now
and it is ruined

© Graveyard Grace