

I've come to learn that life is a true definition of creation,
Spoken and arranged by God in all perfection.
What amazes me most is how He puts everything in place with a high level of precision.
I'm glad the Trinity made the greatest decision.

Everyday of my life, I lift my hands in appreciation,
For how beautiful the life has been with a certain ambition.
It interests me to know that there's no confusion.
That's why my life can only be to you a medium of positive transmission.

See, every single day in life is special with new hopes and admiration.
Every single day puts together brings to a close range, my glorious destination.
That's why I need not to go to the world for any permission.
Why, because God is always there with His great commission.

It has been a great thing to know how God so love me since my conception.
Many at times, I seriously get limited by my myopic perception.
Please Lord, forgive me and count it as human omission.
Implant in me the love that's stronger than mere obsession.

All my life, God has always shown in ways beyond my expectation,
Even when I don't deserve it, He turns to good all my lamentation.
Why won't I be grateful always when He turns around my perversion
And gives me reasons to tell it to many anytime I engage in any discussion?.