

A bit about me
I'm fourteen and this is a poem about me...
At the age of Eight was when It got too late to live my life as a normal kid.
My Family would argue and i would get startled but I thought thats what families did.
Everyone being torn during a Family war was something I grew up with.
At the age of Nine my family fell apart because of snakes in the grass who, spat lies and cried crocodile tears.
Picking between my mum and dad got hard but I always chose my dad .
He guided me, protected me, helped me learn who was real and fake from a young age I always said think of what daddy would say .
I have a little brother and when he was around two i have always been told you come as a two .
So when we got took away from our "family" for a few days i had to grow a few years and not act my age.
At the age of Ten was when it started going Good again . Thinking we were all going to be okay. Then My dad fell ill but he was here still helping me and guiding me the good way.
And at the age of Eleven my dad went to heaven now i'm stuck here on my own.
An that was when my house never felt like home .
I hate the fact that he's not here in body but i feel him here in soul i hope he hears every word i say to him and what i have been told.
At the age of Twelve My life burned like hell when i thought about killing myself, but I thought about my dad and how he defeated the bad and he took the thoughts away...
Then at the age of thirteen i became horribly mean and my heart turned cold...
my walls went up, i felt not good enough
i would breakdown and cry almost everynight, asking why did this have to be my life .
Now at the age of fourteen my depression and anxiety have a hold of me, tight on a leash i can't scream i want to go home...
Not long ago one of my bestfriends became my boyfriend, and i thought i was finally happy, i found a new home, everytime i was with him i refused to go and we helped eachother through so much...
but it ended with me having my heart cut...
throughout the last two weeks of us dating that boy treated me like a toy and the night always ended so badly...
I miss him ...
i really do...
but when badluck is in your life theres not much you can do .
So there you go there's a bit about me and I hope now you see there is only one me and i can say i survived... not wanting to be alive.
© Ezz