

My Wish Vs My Reality

My Wish, its surname is My expectation
My Wish, its middle name is My imagination
My Wish, its other name is My exaggeration
And this My Wish has a son, and its name is My aspiration.

My Reality, its surname is my true identity
My Reality, its middle name is my true personality
My Reality, its other name is my true capacity
And this My Reality also has a son, and its name is my actuality.

My Wish is so pulchritudinous! Just like the blue and salty sea, plumbless and colossally wide!
My Wish arises! Like a finny, housed by all my wandering thoughts, and every of my deep desires,
So mickle and dulcifying to the eyes
Because I couldn’t drink from its saltiness, it made me go thirsty for years
It made me get drowned and lost by the arms of it waves and turbulent tides, each time I visit My Wish
Oh! My Wish is so detrimental to swim upon!

My Reality is just like a vicinity pond, naturally bestowed upon, with purity and tranquility;
So fresh and lucid, that it brought nullity to my longing thirstiness
My Reality is so full of charity, that it gives the children eligibility to come swim upon it without getting them lost or drowned
But! My Reality is as shallow as a diamond losing its tangibility and credibility.

My Wish is pellucid, just like a High Definition video;
Well encapsulated with series of film tricks and sophisticated editing
Dazedly cool, dazzling and amazing for my dream to dine with
My Wish knocks at the door of my thoughts, with high quality image
It hypnoses me to think that my whole life must be played in an HD video format.

My Reality is been deceived by my Wish;
Handing over my personality into a 3GP format and my actuality into a footage video
It is a such pity unto me, that my Reality is always displayed in low quality
Very shabby, and less captivating to behold
For I’m beginning to lose interest, and likeability in my Reality.

Like a golden falcon, so My Wish soars in a 3-Dimension image, into the gates of my daydreams;
Powered with celerity, fulgent, well structured, and rutilant
My Wish is highly intimidating to gaze upon!
My Wish is absolutely charming to my sight, glittery and espied by my mind
For my Wish is admonished by many, and disliked by none.

Like an African snail, so My Reality crawls in a 2-Dimension image, into the window of my Personality;
Thus, unflappable, plain, and unduly flat as the sole of a barque
So discouraging to dialogue about, my Reality lacks vitality
Each time I glance through my Reality, I weep bitterly, because for as much as I travail, it can never make it up to the standard of my Wish.

My Wish is far away from me, and neigh abstract;
It always keeps it distance from me, just as the blue empyrean keeps it distance from the ground
My Wish is refulgent, like the fervid yellow sun on an afternoon;
I know it’s there, but I just can't view or touch it!
My Wish is so full of deceit, that fools the seat of my Reality.

My Reality is as close to me as my feet are close to the ground;
And this is the fact!
My Reality is like the fresh green tree, I can see it, smell it, and even eat from its fruit
My Reality is easily accessible to many, but welcomed by few
I'm so unfortunate, that my Reality is the real me
but I’m still yet to accept it this way.

Just because I became unsatisfied with my Reality;
My Reality became an unwanted laboratory experiment
I went ahead cloning a man, so that it could become like superman, things went wrong, it turned out to beget a malefic and horrifying zombie
My Reality couldn’t portray the result I wanted from my clamoring Wish
I thought my Wish would bring what it has, as an equality to my Reality
Had I know! I shouldn’t have used my selfish Wish to tamper with my fragile Reality.

Whenever I remember my Wish from my Reality;
My heart becomes deserted, and my mind becomes enigmatic , because my Wish could not synchronize with my Reality
I thought My Wish would nourish my ability
I thought my Wish would polish my identity
I thought my Wish would distinguish my mentality
I thought my Wish would admonish my totality
I thought my Wish would cherish my personality
I thought my Wish would flourish my vitality
I thought my Wish would furnish my normality
I thought my Wish would replenish my capacity
I thought my Wish would help me accomplish my morality
And I thought my Wish would establish my Reality.
But instead,
My Wish extinguished my Reality
My Wish puts blemish on my Reality
My Wish diminished my Reality
My Wish abolished my Reality
My Wish punished my Reality
My Wish perished my Reality
My Wish set anguish upon my Reality
My Wish, after all is selfish
My Wish injects rubbish into my Reality;
It indeed caused my Reality to look foolish.

My Wish is a super antagonist to my Reality
My Wish is an ultra-nemesis to my actuality
My Wish is an arch adversary to my spirtuality
My Wish is a mega enemy to my sensuality
My Wish made my Reality to be in one locality.

For My Wish illuded, and deluded My Reality;
But I'll utter this, that my Reality is being disappointed
I asked my Wish for a fantabulous sea, but instead, it gave my Reality, a mirage
What a perfidious Wish I have indeed!
My Wish flings rationality unto my Reality.

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