

Broken beyond repair😞
Trust - One of the most powerful 5-letter-words.Never give someone the opportunity to break your trust.I know it's easier said than done.You trust someone blindly and they walk all over you. They take you for granted.They break it quite easily without any remorse.How do they do that? Don't they have conscience?Don't they feel bad?Are they humans or machines???Someone close to me broke my trust.How can he do that to me?I've been too naive to trust that person.I shouldn't have.It's too late now.No use crying over the spilt milk.I gotta pull myself together.Once again, it's easier said than done.But it's the only option I have.The mask he was wearing came off today and revealed the reality that's dark and dangerous.Not even in the wildest of my dreams had I imagined this side of that person.It shook me to the core.Right now,I am in pain.It's excruciatingly mind numbing.Why did he break his Promises?Promises are meant to be kept.But in his dictionary,Promises are meant to be broken I guess.That must be his policy.I never saw that coming.It struck me like lightning and I am unable to reel from the shock.I don't know what to do.It's unbearable.