

Shadows of Longing
In the depths of night, I ponder deep,
Am I wrong to feel, to yearn, to weep?
After all the trials, the tears, the strain,
Do I dare to love, to hope, to regain?

Through the haze of memories, I tread,
Am I wrong to miss what once we shared?
Though your true colours, they did show,
Still, echoes of you haunt me so.

I thought I'd moved past the scars you drew,
Yet, one call, and I'm back to you.
Haunted by dreams, by whispers of the past,
In the shadows of love, I'm lost, steadfast.

This tug of war within my soul,
Torn between moving on and love's toll.
I ache to break free from your hold,
Yet, you linger, a story untold.

So, am I wrong to feel this way,
To still love you, despite dismay?
I grapple with this tangled thread,
Bound to you, though my heart has bled.
© Lily Grace