

Man from the moon
I open my eyes
And see, once again
A Darkness that flies
Or a dark silhouette...?
I try to get out
But my legs just won't move
I find myself trapped,
With the man from the moon

The darkness,
It swallows all that it touches,
But its not nearly as horrid
As the outline he sketches
He looks up, with...
What is that?

He calls out to me,
But I shudder away
As the man from the moon
Starts to slowly fade away
I look towards the light
That is oh, so consuming
It drives out the dark
And makes me feel warmer

Suddenly, I'm able to move
I'm able to fly
I'm able to cry
Oh how I cry,
I just can't stop
'Till someone there whispers..
"You have yourself a girl"