

I think for myself
No I thought about myself
I didn't care if it was wrong or right
I raised a fist in power
I called myself a patriot
I looted and burned places
I stormed the capital of all places
I didn't care if my actions took lives
If at first you don't agree with me I'm going to scream and threaten you until you say I'm right
I say I'm justified
I say I'm on the left or right
I don't care what or who I destroy as long as they get out of my sight
The truth is anger and selfishness is the real reason I fight
I don't care if you ever sleep at night
I don't care if I destroy my surroundings or lives
All I care about is what I think is right no matter the cost
So just get with my agenda all right?
You don't have a choice you must think exactly the way I do or else
So remember don't think for yourself you have to follow me you are either on the left or the right
Don't listen to ethics or morals just blindly follow me
I'm always on the correct side of history no need for you to think don't you see?
© Isabel Page