

I'm strong than I thought
I was in a storm that I couldn't stand. The clouds occurred the whole Mountain, I couldn't even see the brightness nor rays of the sun.  I couldn't hear the roar of the lion. The fear was my friend not because of love but it was always here, next to me. I couldn't let it go.

But one day I realized that I couldn't let fear or pain always be here for me. I can stand on the edge and scream much as I can. Nobody can stand for the brightness that I shine. It was the day I saw the star that I waited for it to glisten, but I didn't know that star was watching me all these year's when I was suffering

I traveled the whole world trying to find the pill that can heal my soul, a potion to be strong and an herb to heal the scars on my countenance but I couldn't find one because I'm a pill that l was looking for, a portion and an herb for my beauty.

I fall but still rise again like the sun every day. I'm a warrior. I can win all my battles and think without anyone's help. I could be isolated and stand-alone as Island. Bend down with my knee is no longer my reality. I'm strong than I thought.

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