

The memories that never fades,
Childhood hideouts that stays evergreen
The saint heart and tender face,
The smooth hands panning tyres all day
The ego of growing up
The certainty of opening to life
Oh! How can I forget my childhood days?

Tender care from the mothers,
Creamy tears for ice cream
Innocent heart never used to lies
Harbouring the fate where we lie
Father sweats before he lies to sleep
Harkening swiftly to the ambiguous request of his offsprings.
Oh! How can I forget my childhood days?

Such a sweet memories to keep
Games and creativity we established ourselves
Snail hunting we did in the forest
Fish catching in the river
Rain drenching our precious clothes
Subjected to abuse from our peers
Tears salivating all around the cheeks
The pain and agony we felt
Oh! How can I forget our childhood days.

The anxiety of growing older,
Promotions in classes happening faster,
Our kindergarten songs vanishing slower
And eyes wide opening
Life direction seeming closer
Youth days approaching
Mother care waxing stronger
More words of encouragement from Papa
Oh! My childhood days finally over.

© TBlexWrites