

I was walking by the river,
With no one to make me shiver.
I could clearly see in,
As the clean water flowed through it.
The fishes were colourful,
I wish I could catch one and take it home.
Though I didn't know how to catch a fish,
That is why I was telling my wish.
My favourite was dolphin,
I knew it was doll with phin.
I know how familiar they are,
So I wanted to go on drive in my car.
Soon I'll grow and I'll have one,
And my children would play and be stunned.
I saw one in a big sea,
But there were too many to keep.
Though theirs little space in my house,
I'll still try to give them rooms,
But I'll always remember those dolls with phin,
Because I made them my life and my will.
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