

philosophy phase 2
whatever we think
is it neccesary to think??
why eye blink
in silence
when it can't bear the violence
is it neccesary to have a habit
that is your habit
should we change it??
then what is the use of our habit
why to suffer
even the chance
is to prefer
the choice
that are ulimited and alot
is is to cool
to fool other??
even though
all are brother
why to bother
what keeps us apart
we are a part
dont you think that
this creature
is unique
then why to hate
why to love
some is something
that is totally nothing
we should focus be a all
do know what matters
but let's keep by all
let's fall for all
die with a heart
which is so alive
and buried into the soul
of the role
you know keep your thinking
it is an art
let your thought be a smart
hey!! hii!! hello
bye bye for all
© H. kesar iqbal