

Alas! Am i dead or alive??
Broken heart is trembled
Lips uttered silent mourns
Stumbled from seventh floor
Flight and fright response
Stimulates adrenaline and cortisol
Of my endocrine glands
Frightened down in floor
Smashed to smithereens
Inner heart whispered "You are dead"
Unknown fear of losing myself
From my family and surroundings
"How they react on my demise?'
"Are they going to miss me?" Or
"They might be delighted in happiness
On losing the most irritating stupid"
Reddish blood river goes out
To form ocean from my head
I'm dead and no more
Felt ice cold chillness in body
While red hot fires out from eyes
Alas! What happened to me?
Am i dead or alive??
Suddenly someone awakes me
Atlast realising it's just nightmare

#dead #alive_but_dead #badnightmare
© Shanmuga Priya M