

A Few Threads and a Rope.
I took two strings,
I wove them together,
I got a thread.

I took three threads,
I wove them together,
I got a rope.

But then I took more threads,
I wove them together,
This time I got a story.

A story of girl,
ying in wait inside a ditch that was made to trap the lion.
The girl cried for help,
but the forest was abandoned and the life outisde went on.

To her unfortune, it started to pour,
The mud was slick with rain and made impossible for her to climb up again.

But I was always there,
Watching her.

I never lent a helping hand,
because I thought she would try,
Because I thought she would come out,
But I couldn't let her die,
So I threw in the rope.

The girl climbed out of the ditch,
but she held onto the rope,
She said, "I don't know who you are, but you helped me. Please come with me to Neverland."

I was confused for a second,
But then I realised,
That the rope was no actually in her neck.