

Not the way
Everyone is different in there own way
But, there are a few things i wish to say before i go away.
I know everyone goes through stuff-
from family, school, friends, grades, jobs, and
Even from bills for most people.
I understand people's pain from the past
Or the present, from my own pain when i was sad.

People, though, can't feel like they can vent to family or friends.
There are like a book that never wants to be damaged nor read.
They hurt inside and want to numb the pain
By smoking, drinking, or even hurting themselves.

They try to kill the problem.
But they only make it worst
When they decide to stop.
It doesn't solve anything
when you do it. What
It costs is even worse
Than the problem you have now.

When you smoke, it gives you cancer.
When you drink, it can kill you from alcohol poisoning.
When you hurt yourself, you just cause pain to other people.
You make them feel the pain you're going through.
It's not the path nor the way you should go, either.

I lost someone from alcohol poisoning and
It still hurts me.
But i rather help people.
I rather spread this message of help before it is too late.
For the way is to find that what makes you happier without any pain.
© behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain-bob dylan