

My Scobby🐕
When she was small I brought her home ..she was so small I feeded her with a bottle of milk..she started leaking the milk ..she slept on my lap...
Days went by she started becoming part of my family,now a precious part which can't be taken out...
We started loving her more than anything...
She loved us back too..
When we go out she uses to accompany us. ..when we didn't take her out she would wait for our coming seeing out from balcony ...
When we came tired from work she used to look us with love which use to free us from our stress..
Though she never talked or said we knew she was our part of life now...
Daily morning before we wake up she used to get up and wake us by scribbling on the door, she wanted a walk with us...she wanted to play with us...
Days went by she started growing, now she started understanding we are her family ...we love her...she loves us...
but suddenly a day came when we were ask to give her away from our life....with her love she looked at us asking is it necessary to leave me ..or make me away....
With tears in our eyes we made her away from us,with a hope of regaining her back...will miss u in every second of our life....when we will go out now no one will wait for our coming,now no one will great us home as you used to great us...
When I wrote about you tears are rolling off from eyes it is I am missing you very badly..
Miss you my Scoobby 🐕