

untouched by the memories
Memories we shared
not bothered that we spent all these years together
I truly believed we'd last forever
silently you bow and wave goodbye.
and then there are the nights you decide not to come home,
when I ask where you been.
all you do is lie.
the next morning you walk in without any sign of remorse,
no apologies, no I'm sorrys
I watch you. as you come in so calm so nonchalant,
You pretend you don't know what I really want.
I hear the words that you speak so passive so unmoved by my emotional outburst.
I can't seem to let it go. How could one forget where home is.
He acts like it isn't his.
the words I speak mean nothing.
they seem meaningless to you,
at this point I'm so confused, I'm not sure what to do. I haven't got a clue..
All I know is the words you speak can not be true.
for there are no apologizes
No remorse.
I lay awake all night rehearsing the things I want to say.
I wait until dawn to enter our room and I start...
I begin with the way that you make me feel.
You look at me as if what you've done is no big deal
I talk about the hurt I feel.
I talk about the trust I no longer have when it comes to you.
I even accuse you.
but not before I bombard you with questions,
about who you spent your night with. the night you lost your way home.
why must u make me feel so lonesome..
I cry as I beg you for some truth.
but you give me nothing. you act as if I'm invisible, as if the words I have just spoken are absurd.
you look the other way and act as if I am nothing more but a chirping bird that has disrupted your sleep.
you wave me away.
That's when I can tell you've had enough of me for one day.
always keeping me at bay, things start to get array, I can literally feel you slipping further abd further away.
again you wave me away
as if you are a king and I am some peasant.

© Stephanie hernandez