

...hope, or worse?
I am still waiting for a time;
a time when we would realize that
in my motherland, Nigeria
we are our own problem.

the root cause of the decay
is embedded in the plant itself;
I am afraid for my unborn children,
how did the milk get so very sour?

there is a better life than this
I know there is.
but why should we hate each other so much,
why should we be known globally for lies and fraud?

having liars for politicians
and selfish conmen for pastors and imams;
the truth is defamed
and the land is too very stale

now we turn fully to evil;
giving it our all, our time and energy
and branding ourselves deeply with it's colors
shamelessly mounting its flag on our hearts and streets.

i do not blame the common man
for he would do what he can to survive.
I am proudly a Nigerian,
though i still try to be an honest one.
