

like the old ways
The news will come one day
Let Serenity accompany you that day
Never lose that smile for a tear
A soul never rests until the tears rest

Remember the many sunrises we had?
The many moonless nights we endured?
Your smile brighter than full moonlight
Sit with me, Embrace our beautiful sunset

So colorfully vivid and full of life we were
Please, keep it only for a day or two
Don't make me your minds guest
A guest is only wlecome for a day or two

Let soon be sooner than later
Take what i gained and learned
Keep the good, lay rest to the rest
Do not weep for a withering shell

Let my soul wander freely
Let the spot be far and lonely
On a tall mountain peak
Under a rusty old bridge

Make your Visits a journey
Bit by bit let time do it's trickery
Let only a tablet with a name remain
And Bury me like the old ways