

Broken Ball of lost yarn
My heart feels like a ball of yarn,
Newly put together with a beautiful bow,
Just to be pulled and on tied again and again by my many knights of shinning armour,
I'm tired of trying again and again to be prefect,
The more I pull at the strings the more work I have to do,
I pull myself apart because I know I'm making the wrong desisions,
but I still give into the bow and pull myself back together,
Everytime I see the bow it gets harder and harder to retie,
its an endless lop of hope that if I fix what's wrong with me every minute of everyday my endless knights will want to hold on to me,
But when I see how much it effects me Everytime someone decides they don't need me,
I pick myself up and roll me back together like I'm worth it,
I roll myself back together and the colors look more and more empty like a shadow disappearing into air,
Everytime a fall I lose myself to someone unknown and I can't find all the right strings...