

packed tightly; high density, still you love me
my particles are packed tightly.
i want to make you afraid of me.
skin pulled taut, eyes like marbled stone- black, shiny, endless- cold.
looks like i'm ready to pounce.
you shrivel at the sight of me,
and i swallow you up,
ounce by ounce by ounce.

my scent wafts out freely.
dark crimson red lightly bounces.
sails on to your nose.
i speak plainly and you think it's prose.

and i'm gold. and when i bare my teeth at you it's silver.
i'm ferocious when i smile at you,
and you fall into me.
as i glimmer.

you fall into me.
fall into a trance.
you fall for me.
and i you.

that's all we do, that's all we do.

lose ourselves in it.
lose ourselves in each other.
you're my lover, my lover, my lover.

but sometimes i get too heavy.
sometimes, i get too heady.
you become frail in my arms and wilt like the rose you are from the daydreams you have of me.
even though you are right with me.
dream about me you must.
because i become your lust.

like too much perfume i go to your head.
this high intensity.
could strangle you,
could kill you dead.

but you'll stand.
and you'll smile.
and sway on your legs,
and stare into my eyes.
and dream of me in the afterlife.

- strewn along the synapses of the mind

© ilifluous