

Daily Diaries
I needed a place where I could be the real me, where only people see my imagination and free my heart of the Daily emotions. A place where no one knows me... To unburden our daily thoughts to make ourselves feel light is important. And I really don't care what others think of me cz I barely know anyone personally. so I'll just say whatever pops in my head, whatever emotions I have, and whatever I feel...
I don't care if u read it or not, but I'm going to share my thoughts here from now onwards.

You know, whenever I had s bad day or stuck by misfortunes. This very thought crossed my mind everytime. There're so many peoples in the world, even just around you, in your surroundings, who may or may not know you. Among these people, some are good while some are bad.
I pray to God, everytime I'm having a bad luck, or misfortune. please send a good person to me, not a bad one. Today was such a day for me, I went outside for work, but bad luck accompanied. My shoe got torn as soon as got off the bus. It was scorching head. I started panicking in the middle of the road, not knowing what to do. There's no way I could walk in those torn shoes, but the road was burning hot, so I couldn't walk barefoot either.
All shops were closed during afternoon. I went to the other side of the road somehow and sit there for some time.
After some time, a boy came to me and offered me two packs of fevicol and said to glue them. He watched me panicking so came to help me. Before I could even thank him, he walked off.
I thought to myself, it's not a big deal. I was feeling upset just a minute ago, but now I feel totally fine. bec someone unknown offered to help me., though it didn't help alright. But I'm still grateful for the act.

I thought to myself, on days like this all u need is to meet atleast one good person. it's okay if u meet bad people for the rest of the days. But atleast when u're having a bad day owing to bad luck. I hope we all can meet a good person those days. Then those days don't become a bad day rather turns out to be a grateful day.
After that, I managed to get home by finding a solution. I wish those people who help me can also find similar good people when they fight misfortunes too. I hope someday my turn will come, and I'll be of help to someone too..
© Enigma